Kamis, 19 Mei 2011

Netinstall Mikrotik RouterOS pada RouterBoard Hotspot

For some reason 4 of 4 admin login Unila tiba2 can not be used .. ugh .. How monitoring ..? I was forced to reinstall just the router boards. For those who experience similar things may be no other way than NetInstall. Leave a message dikomentar huh?
ok, back to topic NetInstall ... in you want to try to please just follow the steps below ...
Please note NetInstall is a program under windows that are used to install or upgragde RouterOS Operating System.
For installations using NetInstall that needs to prepare is:
1. PC with Ethernet interface and Serial / COM
2. Null Modem Cable.
3. UTP Cable
4. RouterBOARD or a dedicated PC MIKROTIK
for more details how Intal Software Neinstall, mikrotik Package will be installed which can be downloaded at http://www.mikrotik.com/download.html

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